





出生年月:1983 年 4 月





1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52272280,富含氧空位铋基钙钛矿的可控制备及胰腺

癌抗间质治疗研究,2023/01-2026/12,54 万,在研,主持;

2) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51602334,超小氧化铁复合材料的制备及其

肿瘤诊疗一体化应用,2017/01-2019/12,20 万,已结题,主持;

3) 上海市教育委员会曙光计划,铋基钙钛矿智能控制非药物肝癌治疗研究,

2023/01-2024/12,15 万,在研,主持;4) 中国博士后科学基金项目,2016M601655,零维/二维氧化铁复合材料的制备及其

SPECT/MR 成像研究,2017/01-2017/12,5 万,已结题,主持;

5) 高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室开放基金,SKL201908SIC,蛋白基分子探

针的设计、制备及其脑胶质瘤高分辨成像研究,2020/01-2021/12,8 万,已结题,


6) 重庆市中医院-重庆市自然基金,载黄芪多糖纳米微球 CT/PA 成像及增强 HIFU 免

疫治疗卵巢癌的研究,2021/06-2021-05,5 万元,在研,主持;

7) 浦东新区人民医院,HG22-010,超声响应脂质体凝血酶控释系统构建及其快速止血

应用研究,2022/01-2023/12,30 万元,在研,主持;

8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51772316,无机纳米粒子/转铁蛋白复合载药体系的设

计合成及其针对脑胶质瘤的高效诊疗研究,2018/01-2021/12,60 万,已结题,参与;

9) 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,81720108023,人工工程肿

瘤生物磁体高效聚集相转变型纳米粒用于肿瘤治疗与超声显像监控,2018-01-01 至

2022-12-31,232 万元,在研,参与;

10) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81771848,超声导航下乳腺癌纳米声动力学

协同治疗研究,2018-01-01 2021-12-31,55 万元,已结题,参与。



1) Jingchao Li, Ningyue Yu, Dong Cui, Jiaguo Huang, Yu Luo,*and Kanyi Pu*, Activatable

Semiconducting Polymer Pro-nanomodulators for Deep-tissue Sono-immunotherapy of

Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023,


2) Meifang Zhang # , Lile Dong #*, Dong Li, Lichao Zhu, Renmiao Peng, Xijian Liu, Kaiyang

Wang, Xia Wang, Yicheng Zhu*, Haitao Sun*, Yu Luo*, Sonocatalytic in situ Induced

Oxygen Storm Precision Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer,

Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202303451.

3) Lile Dong # , Wenjuan Li# , Yu Luo*, Chaoran Liu, Kai Li, Yu Chen*, Guobin Hong*,

Engineering Molybdenum-Assisted Tellurium Nanosonosensitizers for EnhancedSonodynamic Tumor Nanotherapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, DOI:


4) Shaowei Xie # , Xiaochen Fei# , Jiayi Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhu, Jiazhou Liu, Xinxing Du,

Xuesong Liu, Liang Dong, Yinjie Zhu, Jiahua Pan, Baijun Dong, Jianjun Sha, Yu Luo*,

Wenshe Sun*, Wei Xue*, Engineering the MoS2/MXene Heterostructure for Precise and

Noninvasive Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer with Clinical Specimens, Advanced Science,

2023, 10, 2206494 (1 of 12).

5) Jingchao Li# , Yu Luo # , Ziling Zeng, Dong Cui, Jiaguo Huang, Chenjie Xu, Liping Li,

Kanyi Pu* &Ruiping Zhang*, Precision Cancer Sono-immunotherapy Using Deep-tissue

Activatable Semiconducting Polymer Immunomodulatory Nanoparticles, Nature

Communications, 2022, 13: 4032.

6) Haitao Sun # ; Tianzhu Yu # ; Xin Li# ; Yangyang Lei; Jianke Li; Xiuhui Wang*; Peike Peng*;

Dalong Ni; Xiaolin Wang*; Yu Luo*, Second near-infrared photothermal-amplified

immunotherapy using photoactivatable composite nanostimulators, Journal of

Nanobiotechnology, 2021, 19:433 (1-17).

7) Jingchao Li# , Xiangrong Yu # , Yuyan Jiang, Shasha He, Yan Zhang*, Yu Luo*, Kanyi Pu*,

Second Near-Infrared Photothermal Semiconducting Polymer Nanoadjuvant for

Enhanced Cancer Immunotherapy, Advanced Materials, 2021, 34(4) 2003458.

8) Jingchao Li, Yu Luo*, Kanyi Pu*, Electromagnetic nanomedicines for combinational

cancer immunotherapy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60 (23)


9) Xin Li, Haitao Sun, Helin Li, Chaolei Hu, Yu Luo*, Xiangyang Shi*, and Andrij Pich*,

Multi-Responsive Biodegradable Cationic Nanogels for Highly Efficient Treatment of

Tumors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(26) 2100227.

10) Zebin Yang, Yu Luo*, Yanan Hu, Kaicheng Liang, Gao He, Qian Chen, Qigang Wang,

Hangrong Chen*, Photothermo-promoted nanocatalysis combined with H2S-mediated

respiration inhibition for efficient cancer therapy, Advanced Functional Materials,2021,31(8) 2007991.

11) Ting He # , Yu Luo* # , Qin Zhang # , Zening Men, Tong Su, Linpeng Fan, Hangrong Chen*,

Teng Shen*, Hyalase-Mediated Cascade Degradation of a Matrix Barrier and Immune

Cell Penetration by a Photothermal Microneedle for Efficient Anticancer Therapy, ACS

Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13(23), 26790-26799.

12) Wei Zhao # , Xiangrong Yu # , Shaojun Peng # , Yu Luo*, Jingchao Li*, Ligong Lu*,

Construction of nanomaterials as contrast agents or probes for glioma imaging, Journal

of Nanobiotechnology 2021, 19(125), doi.org/10.1186/s12951-021-00866-9.

13) Yu Luo, Xianping Liu, Kaicheng Liang, Qian Chen, Tianzhi Liu, Bo Yin*, Hangrong

Chen*, Disulfide Bond Reversible Strategy Enables GSH Responsive-Transferrin

Nanoparticles for Precise Chemotherapy, Advanced Therapeutics, 2020, 3(10) 2000064.

14) Haitao Sun # , Yaying Zhang # , Siyu Chen # , Ruizhi Wang*, Qian Chen, Jingchao Li, Yu

Luo*, Xiaolin Wang*, Hangrong Chen, Photothermal Fenton Nanocatalysts for

Synergetic Cancer Therapy in the Second Near-Infrared Window, ACS Applied Materials

& Interfaces 2020, 12(27), 30145–30154.

15) Kaicheng Liang # , Zhicong Li# , Yu Luo*, Qiuhong Zhang, Hangrong Chen*, and Han

Wang*, Intelligent Nanocomposites with Intrinsic Blood – Brain ‐ Barrier Crossing

Ability Designed for Highly Specific MR Imaging and Sonodynamic Therapy of

Glioblastoma, Small, 2020, 16(8), 1906985.

16) Jingchao Li, Dong Cui, Jiaguo Huang, Shasha He, Zebin Yang, Yan Zhang,* Yu Luo,*

and Kanyi Pu*, Organic semiconducting pro-nanostimulants for near-infrared

photoactivatable cancer immunotherapy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition,

2019, 58, 12680-12687.

17) Xiang Li,Gao He,Hui Jin,Jing Tao,Xinping Li,Changyuan Zhai,Yu Luo*,Xiaoan

Liu*, Dual-therapeutics-loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Applied for Breast

Tumor Therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(50), 46497-46503.

18) Yu Luo, Yan Tang, Tianzhi Liu, Qian Chen, Xiaohan Zhou, Ning Wang, Ming Ma,Yingsheng Cheng, Hangrong Chen*, Engineering graphene oxide with ultrasmall

SPIONs and smart drug release for cancer theranostics, Chemical communications,

2019, 55(13): 1963-1966.
